TLC3-FCR-T Engineering Manual
Doc: 70-00-0200, V3.1 Date: 20160411
© Vector Controls GmbH, Switzerland
Page 9
Subject to alteration
Input configuration
FC 16
External input:
0 = No external input
1 = External temperature sensor
2 = Occupation sensor – Comfort / Economy
3 = Occupation sensor – Comfort / Off
4 = Heat / Cool changeover
5 = Key card with alternative setpoint
FC 17
Activation delay (Minutes) = the time the binary input
needs to be open before economy/off mode is activated.
0…255 min
FC 18
Auto-changeover limit heating FC16 = 4
or economy setpoint in heating mode if FC16 = 5
-40…60°C (160°F)
16°C (61°F)
FC 19
Auto-changeover limit cooling FC16 = 4
or economy setpoint in cooling mode if FC16 = 5
-40…60°C (160°F)
28°C (82°F)
Run extension for fan at power off
FC 20
Fan run extension after active heating output
FC 21
Fan run extension after active cooling output
Configuring the function of the external input
FC16 = 0
Input not used
FC16 = 1
External control input
The external sensor is the control input. The internal sensor will
be disabled.
FC16 = 2
Switching Economy and
Comfort modes
Economy (unoccupied) and Comfort (occupied) modes are
controlled through an external contact by connecting the input
through a dry contact to signal common. This function may be
used together with key card switches for hotels or motion
detectors for offices.
FC16 = 3
Switching Energy Hold OFF
and Comfort modes
Opening the input will force the unit into the OFF operation
mode. The operation mode cannot be overridden by using the
terminal. Connecting the input to signal common returns
control of the operation mode to the terminal. This function
may be used as window contact to prevent loss of energy.
FC16 = 4
Heat – Cool changeover
Switch heating and cooling mode based on supply media or
outside temperature or binary contact. See below for further
FC16 = 5
Key card with alternative
As with FC16 = 2, the key card function switches economy
(unoccupied) and comfort (occupied) modes. Instead of using
the setpoint shift, the setpoints in unoccupied mode are defined
by parameter FC21 and FC22.
Configuring auto changeover input if FC16 = 4:
The auto changeover function automatically changes heating and cooling mode based on supply media
temperature or outdoor temperature. The difference between the two is in the values of the changeover limits
FC18 and FC19. See table below for recommended settings.
Heating and cooling may be as well changed by an open contact switched to signal ground. Note: all signal ground
levels of involved controllers must be the same in case more than one controller is switched.
Recommended settings for FC18 and FC19:
Change over mode FC16=4
Relation FC18 to
Example FC18
Example: FC19
Supply media
FC18 > FC19
25°C (77F)
18°C (64F)
Outside temperature
FC18 < FC19
15°C (59F)
25°C (77F)
Dry contact: Heating if contact closed
FC18 > FC19
25°C (77F)
15°C (59F)
Dry contact: Cooling if contact closed
FC18 < FC19
15°C (59F)
25°C (77F)
Run extension for fan:
This keeps the fan running until the defined time runs out when switching the unit off or deactivating the valve.
The idea is to prevent condensation on the cooling coil or triggering the overheat fuse on electrical reheat devices.