Axis Setup Screen (note pushbuttons T1-T5 match onscreen tabs)
Direction Toggle:
Axis Speed:
Position Limits:
Direction Toggle:
This allows you to change the direction the axis moves in response
to the joystick. For example, if the head pans left when you move the joystick right,
simply hit this button to reverse the head response and it will change b/-.
Axis Speed:
This allows you to change the response speed of the selected axis without
changing the response speed of other axes.
Deadband Adjust:
This affects the jo
ystick response. The deadband is the joystick’s
electromechanical range around center where the axis does not respond. The higher
the deadband setting, the farther you need to move the joystick to make the axis
respond. This is useful for the pan/tilt joystick for separating out the pan and tilt motions;
with the right deadband setting you will find it easy to pan without accidentally tilting, or
vice versa.
Sometimes referred to as ramping, this setting affects how suddenly or
gradually the axis responds to joystick input. With a higher smoothing setting, the start
and stop action will be more gradual in acceleration/deceleration, resulting in smoother
response at the ends. A low smoothing number will result in instantaneous response.