The same limits setup applies for focus (when
available on the lens in use):
Heads Menu
Head Power Toggle:
Head Orientation:
PTZ Sensitivity:
Comm Mode:
Lens Setup:
Head Power Toggle:
Allows you to remotely power off the head, or if your head is
connected and powered but not responding, you can press this button to cycle power.
Head Orientation:
This is simply used as a reference for positioning/direction. Pan is
reversed when you invert the head from overslung to underslung.
PTZ Sensitivity:
ONLY use this if you are controlling a digital lens through the head.
Otherwise, always leave it set to zero. This setting progressively increases smoothness
and decreases speed of pan/tilt as you approach full telephoto, but it only works
properly on digital lenses with positional info. When in doubt, leave it at zero.
Comm Mode:
Leave this set on
“Two Way” and “Wired” at all times. As a
troubleshooting measure, if you’re having trouble with the head that can’t be resolved,
you can try changing to “One Way,” but it shouldn’t be necessary.