Documents are only to be used and distributed completely and unchanged. It is strictly the users´ responsibility to check
carefully the validity of this document with respect to his product. Manual-no.: 999084 / 05/10/2009
page 26 of 46
Interface parameters
The controller VNC 1 is equipped with a serial interface (RS 232C, nine-pole Sub-D-plug).
Respectively plug-into or remove the cable (cable RS 232C, nine-pole Sub-D) from the interface only if
the equipment is switched off.
The interface is
electrically isolated from the measuring circuit.
For optimal electromagnetic compatibility assemble an interface filter (cat. no.: 63 82 35).
The controller can be operated via serial interface. Measuring results, preselections and the status of the
controller can be read at any time.
Setting of the interface
Setting of the interface parameters directly at the controller is described below. Enter the device menu
Select RS 232
”. The factory set values are underlined.
Baud 9600
7 data bits odd (
Databits 7, Parity Odd
); 7 data bits even (
Databits 7, Parity Even
7 data bits none (
Databits 8, Parity None
); 8 data bits none (
Databits 8, Parity None
no Handshake (
Handsh. None
), XON/XOFF Handshake (
Handsh. Xon-Xoff
Remote on
Remote off
Startbit = 1, Stopbit = 1 (Stopbit = 2 at 7 data bits none)
In remote mode (
Remote on
, ”P” is displayed) all keys at the controller are without function. To return to
the manual operation of the controller set the controller to the mode ”
Remote off
” via the interface or
switch off controller and enter the device menu within the first 2s after having switched on the controller
Read commands can be sent always. The sending of write commands is only possible, if the remote mode
Remote on
) is selected.