CanOpen Option Board
Vacon • 5
24-hour s358 (0)40 837 1150 • Email: [email protected]
CANopen is a networking system based on the serial bus Controller Area Network (CAN). The
CANopen Communication Profile (CiA DS-301) supports both direct access to device parameters and
time-critical process data communication. CANopen device profiles (CiA DS-40x) define standards for
basic device functionality while providing ample scope for additional vendor-specific device features.
CANopen leashes the full power of CAN by allowing direct peer to peer data exchange between nodes
in an organised and, if necessary, deterministic manner. The network management functions
specified in CANopen simplify project design, implementation and diagnosis by providing standard
mechanisms for network start-up and error management.
CANopen supports both-cyclic and event-driven communication. This makes it possible to reduce the
bus load to a minimum but still maintaining extremely short reaction times. High communication
performance can be achieved at relatively low baud rates, thus reducing EMC problems and
minimising cable costs.
CANopen is the ideal networking system for all types of automated machinery. One of the
distinguishing features of CANopen is its support for data exchange at the supervisory control level as
well as accommodating the integration of very small sensors and actuators on the same physical
network. This avoids the unnecessary expense of gateways linking sensor/actuator bus systems with
higher communication networks and makes CANopen particularly attractive to original equipment
Device Profile Drives and Motion Control (CiA DSP-402)
document represents the standardised
CANopen Device Profile for digital controlled motion products like servo controllers, frequency
converters or stepper motors. All the above-mentioned devices use communication techniques which
conform to those described in the CANopen Application Layer and Communication Profile. The
starting and stopping of the drive and several mode specific commands are executed by the
statemachine. The operation mode defines the behaviour of the drive. The following modes are
defined in this profile:
Homing Mode
Profile Position Mode
Interpolated Position Mode
Profile Velocity Mode
Profile Torque Mode
Velocity Mode
Vacon CanOpen Option Board supports the Velocity Mode