background image

5  Control

5.1  Child proofing

The  child-proofing  function  enables  you  to  make

sure that the appliance is not inadvertently switched

off by playing children.

5.1.1  Setting the child lock function


To  activate  setting  mode:  Press  and  hold  the  Fast-Freeze


 Fig. 2 (2) for approx. 5 s.



 flashes on the display.


The menu symbol

 Fig. 2 (6) shines.


Press the Fast-Freeze button

 Fig. 2 (2) briefly to confirm.



 is shown on the display:


To  switch  on  the  child-proof  lock,  press  the  Fast-Freeze


 Fig. 2 (2) briefly.


The  child  lock  symbol

  Fig.  2  (8)  shines. 


  flashes  in  the



 is shown on the display:


To  switch  off  the  child-proof  lock,  press  the  Fast-Freeze


 Fig. 2 (2) briefly.


The  child  lock  symbol

 Fig. 2 (8) goes out. 


  flashes  in  the



To  deactivate  the  set-up  mode:  press  On/Off  button

Fig. 2 (1) .



Wait for 5 minutes.


The  temperature  is  indicated  again  in  the  temperature


5.2  Door alarm

An audible warning sounds if the door is open for longer

than 60 seconds.
The  audible  warning  stops  automatically  when  the  door

is closed.

5.2.1  Muting the door alarm

The audible alarm can be muted when the door is open. The

sound  switch-off  function  is  active  as  long  as  the  door  is  left



Press alarm button

 Fig. 2 (5).


The door alarm is silenced.

5.3  Temperature alarm

The audible alarm sounds if the freezer temperature

is not cold enough.
The  temperature  display  and  the  alarm  symbol

Fig. 2 (11) flash at the same time.

The cause of the temperature being too high may be:


warm fresh food was placed inside


too much warm ambient air flowed in when rearranging and

removing food


power failure for some time


the appliance is faulty

The audible alarm is automatically silenced, the alarm symbol

Fig. 2 (11) goes out and the temperature display stops flashing

when the temperature is sufficiently cold again.
If the alarm status persists: (see Malfunction).


Food may be spoilt if the temperature is not cold enough.


Check the quality of the food. Do not consume spoiled food.

5.3.1  Muting the temperature alarm

The  audible  alarm  can  be  muted.  When  the  temperature  is

sufficiently cold again, the alarm function is active again.


Press alarm button

 Fig. 2 (5).


The audible alarm is silenced.

5.4  Freezing food

The rating plate indicates the maximum quantity of fresh food

you  can  freeze  within  24  hours  (see  Appliance  at  a  glance)

under “Freezing capacity ... kg/24h”.
The maximum load for the top drawer is 5 kg and for the other

drawers 25 kg each.
The shelves can each be loaded with 35 kg of frozen food.
A  vacuum  is  generated  after  the  door  is  closed.  After  closing

the door, wait for about 1 minute and then it opens more easily.


Risk of injury due to broken glass!

Bottles  and  cans  containing  drinks  may  burst  when  being

frozen. This applies particularly to sparkling drinks.


Do not freeze bottles and cans containing drinks!

In order that the food is rapidly frozen through to the core, do

not exceed the following quantities per pack:
- Fruit, vegetables up to 1 kg

- Meat up to 2.5 kg


Pack  the  food  in  portions  in  freezer  bags,  reusable  plastic,

metal or aluminium containers.

5.5  Thawing food

- in the refrigerator compartment

- in a microwave oven

- in a conventional or fan oven

- at room temperature


Remove only as much food as is required. Use thawed food

as quickly as possible.


Food  once  thawed  should  be  re-frozen  only  in  exceptional


5.6  Setting the temperature

The appliance is pre-set for normal operation.
The temperature can be set from -15 °C to -28 °C, the recom-

mended temperature is -18 °C.


To set the temperature higher: press Up button

 Fig. 2 (3).


To set the temperature lower: press Down button

 Fig. 2 (4).


When the button is pressed the first time, the previous value

is indicated in the temperature display.


To  change  the  temperature  in  1  °C  steps:  briefly  press  the




To  change  the  temperature  continuously:  hold  down  the



The value is displayed flashing during the setting operation.


The actual temperature is displayed approx. 5 seconds after

the  button  is  last  pressed.  The  temperature  gradually

adjusts to the new value.

5.7  Fast-Freeze

With  this  function  you  can  freeze  fresh  food  quickly

through  to  the  core.  The  appliance  operates  with


* Depending on model and options


Содержание Iglu 60i

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Страница 2: ...and des Ger tes zur Zeit der Drucklegung dieser Bedienungsanleitung nderungen im Sinne der Weiterentwicklung bleiben vorbe halten G ltigkeitsbereich Die Produktfamilie Modellnummer entspricht den erst...

Страница 3: ...mertemperatur abk hlen lassen 2 Allgemeine Sicherheitshinweise Gefahren f r den Benutzer Dieses Ger t kann von Kindern sowie von Personen mit verringerten physischen senso rischen oder mentalen F higk...

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Страница 5: ...g ist ert nt der Tonwarner Gleichzeitig blinkt die Temperaturanzeige und das Symbol Alarm Fig 2 11 Die Ursache f r eine zu hohe Temperatur kann sein warme frische Lebensmittel wurden eingelegt beim Um...

Страница 6: ...its gefrorener Ware beim Einfrieren von bis zu ca 2 kg frischen Lebensmitteln t glich 5 7 1 Mit Schnellgefrieren einfrieren u Taste Schnellgefrieren Fig 2 2 einmal kurz dr cken w Das Symbol Schnellgef...

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Страница 9: ...ausgebildetem Fachpersonal auswechseln oder reparieren lassen WARNUNG Verletzungsgefahr durch LED Lampe Die Lichtintensit t der LED Beleuchtung entspricht der Laser klasse 1 1M Wenn die Abdeckung def...

Страница 10: ...ations Le texte les photos et les donn es correspondent l tat de la technique lors de la mise sous presse de cette notice Sous r serve de modifications des fins d am liorations techniques Domaine de v...

Страница 11: ...e Plus le r glage de la temp rature est bas plus la consom mation d nergie augmente Rangez les aliments en les triant voir Vue d ensemble de l appareil Emballez et couvrez correctement tous les alimen...

Страница 12: ...sorbets et les gla ons Risque de blessures et de dommages mat riels De la vapeur br lante peut provoquer des blessures Pour le d givrage ne pas avoir recours des appareils chauffants ou au jet de vape...

Страница 13: ...ent sur la touche de cong lation rapide Fig 2 2 w Le symbole S curit enfants Fig 2 8 s teint L affichage c clignote u D sactiver le mode de r glage appuyer sur la touche On Off Fig 2 1 ou u Attendre 5...

Страница 14: lation kg 24h Cette quan tit maximale d aliments pouvant tre congel s varie en fonc tion du mod le et sa classe climatique Selon la quantit d aliments congeler il faudra activer la fonc tion de co...

Страница 15: ...AVERTISSEMENT Risque de blessures et d endommagement manant de la vapeur tr s chaude La vapeur chaude peut provoquer des br lures et endommager les surfaces u Ne pas utiliser d appareils de nettoyage...

Страница 16: ...Suisse trouveront les coordonn es de leur centre d assistance local sous www vzug com Assistance Num ro de l assistance Questions g n rales et techniques accessoires exten sion d assistance de garant...

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Страница 21: ...ura Se la temperatura del vano congelatore non suffi cientemente fredda viene emesso un allarme acustico Contemporaneamente lampeggiano il display della temperatura e il simbolo Allarme Fig 2 11 Una t...

Страница 22: ...alimenti da congelare con prodotti gi congelati in modo che quest ultimi non si scon gelino Non attivare la funzione SuperFrost nei seguenti casi in caso di introduzione di prodotti gi congelati in ca...

Страница 23: ...all in terno dell apparecchio importante per il servizio di assi stenza u Non strappare piegare o danneggiare i cavi o altri compo nenti u Non far penetrare l acqua di pulizia nella canaletta di scari...

Страница 24: ...n Svizzera al numero 41 58 767 67 67 7 Guasti L apparecchio progettato e realizzato in modo da garantire un funzionamento sicuro e una lunga durata Se per durante il funzionamento dovesse verificarsi...

Страница 25: ...quantit eccessive di alimenti freschi senza SuperFrost u Soluzione vedere 5 7 L illuminazione interna non funziona L apparecchio non acceso u Accendere l apparecchio La porta rimasta aperta per pi di...

Страница 26: ...follow the safety notes Changes The text images and details reflect the technical features of the appliance at the time of print They are subject to changes brought about by further development Scope...

Страница 27: ...the user This device can be used by children and people with impaired physical sensory or mental abilities or with a lack of experience and knowledge provided that they are super vised or have receiv...

Страница 28: ...or severe bodily injury WARNING identifies a dangerous situation which if not obviated may result in death or severe bodily injury CAUTION identifies a dangerous situation which if not obviated may r...

Страница 29: ...temperature alarm The audible alarm can be muted When the temperature is sufficiently cold again the alarm function is active again u Press alarm button Fig 2 5 w The audible alarm is silenced 5 4 Fre...

Страница 30: ...appliance w The Fast Freeze symbol Fig 2 10 goes out when the freezing process is complete u Place produce in the drawers and push the latter back in again w The appliance continues to operate in the...

Страница 31: ...the fault yourself by refer ence to the list see Malfunction If this is not the case please contact the customer service whose address is given in the enclosed customer service list WARNING Risk of in...

Страница 32: ...he installation and realign the appliance u Keep bottles and jars apart Flow sound at the soft stop mechanism The noise is produced when the door is opened and closed u The sound is normal The tempera...

Страница 33: ...Empty the appliance u Switch off the appliance see Decommissioning u Remove mains connector u Clean the appliance see 6 2 u Leave the door open to prevent odour 9 Disposing of the appliance The appli...

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