Technical Support:
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited
must conform to CAN to Ethernet data protocol.
Both two CAN interface support CAN or network heartbeat packet and heartbeat packet must conform to CAN to
Ethernet data protocol.
2.5.2.Identity packet function
Figure 11 Identity packet application diagram
When CANET200 works in TCP Client or UDP Client mode, user can enable identity packet function to send
identity packet to network server side. Identity packet is used for identifying the device when module works as TCP
Client or UDP Client. There are two methods to send identity packet.
Identity packet will be sent after connection is established.
Identity packet will be added on the front of every data package.
Identity packet can be 6 bytes MAC address identity packet, user editable identity packet(less than 40 bytes) or USR
Cloud identity packet. MAC address identity packet and user editable identity packet can be sent by above both
methods, but USR Cloud identity packet can be only sent after connection is established.
2.5.3.USR Cloud function
USR Cloud application diagram as follow:
Figure 12 USR Cloud
USR Cloud is a platform to realize bidirectional communication between devices or device and upper computer.
USC Cloud can be widely applied various domains such as remote monitoring, Internet of Vehicles, smart home,
User needs to enable USR Cloud by using identity packet function. And when user enables USR Cloud function, user
had better enable only one TCP Client, because both socket A and socket B support USR Cloud function, and two
Clients maybe exclude each other if two Clients both connect to USR Cloud platform.