Technical Support:
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited
data frame and data length is 5; 00 00 06 78 means CAN ID is 0678; 12 34 56 78 00 00 00 00 are data with
effective length 5.
2.3.Serial port
2.3.1.Serial port basic parameters
Baud Rate
Data Bits
5, 6, 7, 8
Stop Bits
1, 2
Parity Bits
None, Odd, Even, Mark, Space
Figure 6 Serial port basic parameters
2.3.2.Serial package method
Data transmission is based on data frame in network side, so serial data need to be packaged into data frame and
then transmit to network side. There are 2 ways to end the package and send package to network side - Time
Trigger Mode and Length Trigger Mode(When serial data meet any one condition, they will be packaged):
CANET200 serial package time: Default is 10ms, range from 1 to 255.
CANET200 serial package length: Default is 500 bytes, range from 1 to 1460.
2.4.Socket function
CANET200 supports dual sockets mode(Socket A and Socket B). Socket A supports TCP Server, TCP Client, UDP
Server, UDP Client. Socket B supports TCP Client and UDP Client.
2.4.1.TCP Client mode
TCP Client provides Client connections for TCP network services. TCP Client device will connect to server to
realize data transmission between the serial port device/CAN bus network device and server. According to the
TCP protocol, TCP Client has connection/disconnection status differences to ensure reliable data transmission.
TCP Client mode supports Keep-Alive function: After establishing connection, CANET200 will send Keep-Alive
packet in every 30 seconds to check TCP connection and CANET200 will disconnect and reconnect to server if
any connection exception occurs. TCP Client mode also supports USR Cloud.
Figure 7 TCP Client mode