The illustrations below are a guide to help identify entrapment areas for swing gate installations that
must be protected. Other entrapment areas may exist and must be identified by the installer and
protected by the appropriate entrapment protection device for the situation.
Zone A
- Leading edge of gate where it meets a 2nd gate,
stop post or passes a column or post corner. -
recommended monitored entrapment protection
type is B2 contact sensor or equivalent.
Zone B
- Gate opens toward an immoveable object with
less than 16 inches of clearance - recommended
monitored entrapment protection type B1 photo eye
or equivalent. If space is less than 16”, entrapment
protection in this area is required.
(ASTM F2200: and
Zone C
- If distance from center of hinge rotation point to
corner of column, post or immovable object is
greater than 4 inches, recommended monitored
entrapment protection type is B2 contact sensor or
Zone D
- If the bottom edge of a swing gate is greater than 6
inches (152 mm) above the ground at any point in
its arc of travel, one or more contact sensors shall
be located on the bottom edge.
< 4”
< 6”