B) Starting NV Memory Address – Either a fixed Address or custom Address can be selected.
For fixed address the options are CODE (0x100000), OEM (0x137C00), INIT_OEM
(0x0013FFF8). A custom address can be entered for special cases. To use the fixed
address, the custom address must be blank.
C) Test Download – Selects whether to do perform a Test download or an actual download.
When the download button is pressed, the NV Mem sequence commences. If successful,
the reader will reboot itself and IndyTool will ask the user to wait 10 seconds and then self
disconnect from the reader. When the success is indicated, the user can reconnect to the
reader once it is reset.
2. Format OEM – This is used to initialize the OEM space for a specific platform. The pull
down menu provides the various options for the various supported platforms. The
User_Configured option can always be used, but the appropriate Format OEM
preconditions in the MAC Registers must be configured manually by the user (see the MAC
Register document for further details).
3. Reset To Bootloader - Allows a user to reset the firmware to the bootloader code.
4. Unlock Sector 0 – Allows a user to unlock Sector 0 for performing NV Mem updates in that
The Macros menu is shown in the following figure.
The following are the available Macros functions:
1. None – Performs no operation.
2. Enter Debug Shell – Executes Mac Command to enter into Debug Shell on the Debug
3. Enable Splash Screen with 2 second Delay – Configures the OEM to enable splash screen
and sets the Boot Delay to 2 seconds.
4. Interface to USB – Configures the OEM for the host for USB operation and resets the
5. Interface to UART– Configures the OEM for the host for UART operation and resets the
6. Dump Mac – Dumps the entire Mac Register Set.
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