The Display Criterion # spin box allows you to select the criteria currently being viewed. It has
a range of one (1) up to the value displayed under Active Criteria.
The Load button causes the application to perform a direct query to the current reader and
reload the page with the retrieved select criteria settings.
To change the select criteria parameters for the active reader, click the Edit button. This
displays the dialog box shown in the figure below.
Select Criteria Edit Dialog
This panel allows configuration of individual select criterion parameters.
Note 1: Only one active select criteria is allowed at this time. Attempts to set the Active Criteria count (in the Edit
dialog) greater than one (1) results in an Invalid Parameter error. This error is generated and displayed when the
Save button is clicked.
Note 2: Truncation is not supported in the Indy firmware at this time. The Truncation parameter should be set to
Inventory Algorithm Panel
The Inventory Algorithm panels are used to view and configure the reader’s query settings, the
parameters for the selected singulation algorithm, and whether select and post singulation
filters should be utilized during inventory, read, write and similar operations.
The figure below shows an example of the Inventory Algorithm View panel.
Algorithm Settings View Page
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