The following sections describe each page of the Tracer Reader Configuration dialog
box—starting with the Settings page. Refer to the Indy_Firmware_Datasheet and the
IN_DG_IPJ_Indy_RFID_Host_Library_API_Reference_Manual for a description of the
underlying functionality.
Settings Page
When the Reader Configuration dialog first opens, it displays the Settings page shown in the
figure above. The settings displayed are the current settings on the reader. From this page, you
can view and/or configure the following items:
Operating Region (Read only, set within the reader)
Link Profile • Data Format (Compact, Normal or Extended)
Operational Mode (Continuous Mode or Discontinuous Mode)
Inventory Algorithm (Fixed Q or Dyanmic Q)
Antenna Configuration Page
From the Antenna Configuration page, you can configure the reader’s 16 logical antenna ports.
As the figure below shows, this page displays the current antenna configuration within a grid.
Antenna Configuration
The Import and Export buttons allow the antenna data to be manipulated by Microsoft Excel
and then imported back into the reader.
To change the setting for a logical antenna, click its associated Edit button in the first column of
the grid. This displays the dialog box shown in the figure below.
Antenna Logical Settings
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