AC-5000 User Guide
UNIONCOMMUNITY Co., Ltd. / 3F Hyundai Topics Bldg. 44-3 Bangi-dong
Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea (138-050)
Tel : 02-6488-3000 , Fax : 02-6488-3099, E-Mail :[email protected]
Select the operation type of the terminal by pressing
the applicable number key.
Press [ENT] key to apply the configuration while
[F4(←)] key to cancel it.
3.5.2. Time Schedule Setting to Access / Time & Attendance
When the user selects
[3. Application]
[2. Time Schedule] in the initial
, the following screen will appear.
Initial setting: Identical with the screen at the left
The user can set the time zone by authentication
modes; otherwise, set to ‘00:00-00:00’..
Input after deleting the existing value using [F4(←)] to
change the value.
Input HHMM (Hour/Minute) in the order which can be
set from 00:00 to23:59
In the preset time zone, it is always indicated in the preset mode unless the user presses
the other function key. Although the user pressed the other function key to authenticate
with another mode, terminal display mode is automatically changed into authentication
mode, which is suitable for the management of time & attendance.
As shown in the example below, each time zone must be set without being overlapped,
but the mode is determined like F1
Access sequentially if they are
(Ex) Office start=06:00~09:59, Office leave=17:00~22:00