AC-5000 User Guide
UNIONCOMMUNITY Co., Ltd. / 3F Hyundai Topics Bldg. 44-3 Bangi-dong
Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea (138-050)
Tel : 02-6488-3000 , Fax : 02-6488-3099, E-Mail :[email protected]
<Figure 3-6>
Select [1.Yes] to save the revised contents or [2.No] to cancel it, and then press
[ENT] key. If there is no input for a certain period of time in this case, it returns to
the initial screen.
If there is no revised contents, it exits from the environment settings menu without
the aforementioned process of “Save?”.
When the settings are changed in the menu, if there is no input for a certain period
of time, it exits from the environment setting menu. In this case, if there is any menu
revised, it should pass through the “Save?” process. Otherwise, it transfers to the
initial screen without saving the revised setting.