Testing & Evaluating the Coating Finish
You are now ready to begin Testing & Evaluating the coating finish.
1. Turn the Power Button, UV Lamp & Belt ON per the previous “Power ON” instructions
a. The average time that the UV lamp takes to reach full capacity can vary from 30 seconds to 90
seconds. When the lamp reaches full capacity it will automatically drop to the pre-set number.
b. The lamp intensity becomes adjustable once warm up sequence is complete.
c. The average cool down time is ~ 4 minutes.
d. If starting from cold or hot conditions, the lamp may take longer to ignite.
2. Check & Set the Form to Impression Roller pressure setting.
3. Set the Belt Speed to the desired setting.
4. Set the UV Lamp Intensity to the desired setting and wait for the UV lamp to reach full capacity.
5. Now you are ready to begin feeding the product.
Feed one (1) sheet and retrieve to check desired finish.
If the desired finish is not achieved - see the next section titled “Five Kwik & EZ Ways to Perfect the
Coating Finish.”
Figure - Form to Impression
Roller Pressure