Uni-Trend Technology (Chengdu) Ltd.
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Communication & Control Software for UTD2025_3025 Series Oscilloscopes User Manual
Main menu
Fig 2-1 shows four menus under the main menu on the top left corner : document, function, waveform refresh and
help. Their operation instructions are as follows :
1. Document
Load :
This means saving the oscilloscope communication and control software to the computer hard
disk or other storage media, or save it in a waveform file on any mobile storage media by using
the long save function of the oscilloscope save menu, and then open the saved waveform on the
virtual display panel with the “Load” feature.
Note :
When storing a waveform from the digital storage oscilloscope to a mobile USB device,
storage mode of the oscilloscope must be set to “long storage” to load the waveform onto the
computer software. To set “long storage”, use the STORAGE button on the front panel of the
oscilloscope : STORAGE
Disk (USB)
depth (Long storage).
Save :
This means saving the waveform currently on the virtual display panel to a computer or other
storage equipment. Select “Document”
“Save” and save it on the hard disk or mobile external
hard disk in *.dat format. Assign any file name you like.
Record :
Enable the “data transmission” function and select “Document”
“Record”. A prompt box
shown in Fig 2-2 will pop up on the virtual display panel and recording of the virtual display
waveform begins. The recording prompt box shows the current waveform recording progress.
To pause recording, simply click the “pause” button. To resume, click the “continue” button and
recording will resume from the point where it was paused.
The dialog box in Fig 2-3 appears when you close the waveform recording function or recording
has reached the maximum number of data screens. Click “YES” in Fig 2-3 to save it in *.dat
format on the computer hard disk or other storage device. If you wish to abandon recording,
press “NO” as shown in Fig 2-3. The waveform recording function can record up to 2000
screens of data.
Fig 2-2
Fig 2-3