4.4 User Menu 2
User Menu 2
Date and Hour in this menu can be set time, date, month and year
change the language of the display
Radio control
optional with a separate user manual
System operation settings related to the different product types (see technical data), 1= FAP6, 2=FAP9,
Operation hours - Hours of operation in Normal, Modulation and Security mode
Ignitions - Number of ignitions made
Failed ignitions - Number of failed ignitions
Errors list
Menu for the exclusive use of the authorized technician Ungaro
information related to the real-time operation of the product
permits to evenly modify the quantity of pellet feeding for each combustion power. The range of setting
values is –7÷7. Each step is equal to 3% of pellet feeding for each combustion power. The factory setting
is 0. It is recommended to modify this parameter only if indicated by an authorised technician and however
varying one step at a time and eventually repeating if necessary.
Stand by
If in this menu is set “OFF”, the stove will go in combustion modulation when the value of the “Room”
thermostat is reached and overcomed. If in the menu is set “ON”, the stove will go into standby as soon as
the room temperature will be 5° more than the value set in the “Room” thermostat (and with the ductable
mode enabled, if in the room with ductable heating the temperature is 5° higher than the value set in the
Remote room thermostat).
Smoke fan
permits to evenly modify the fan speed set by the authorised technician Ungaro during the commissioning
and the first ignition. The range of setting values is –7÷7. The factory setting is 0. At the beginning of the
heating season a moderate gain of the parameter could be helpful to remove the small obstructions in the
smoke duct in the sections that are not easily accessible. Ungaro S.r.l. recommends to modify this para-
meter only if indicated by an authorised technician and however varying one step at a time and eventually
repeating if necessary.
the menu to set the combustion power in automatic mode. Once the automatic power is enabled, all the
menus of the combustion settings will no longer be visible.