When
a
friend
sends
you
a
Talk
message,
you
receive
a
notification.
There
are
ways
to
respond:
•
On
your
friends
list,
tap
the
friend
who
sent
you
the
chat
invitation
or
•
Open
the
notifications
panel
and
tap
the
chat
notification.
Adding
another
friend
to
your
chat
1.
When
you’re
chatting
with
a
friend
tap
Option
>
Add
to
chat
.
2.
Tap
a
friend
to
invite.
This
will
start
a
new
group
chat
for
all
parties.
Only
those
who
accept
the
new
chat
invitation
will
be
joined
to
the
group
chat.
Switching
between
active
chats
You
can
switch
between
multiple
active
chats.
1.
When
you’re
chatting
with
a
friend:
•
tap
Option
>
Switch
chats
>
tap
the
desired
active
chat.
•
Or
swipe
left
or
right
across
the
screen
to
switch
between
chats.
On
the
record
or
off
the
record
your
chats
You
can
make
your
chats
on
the
record
or
off
the
record.
1.
When
you’re
chatting
with
a
friend:
•
tap
Option
>
Chat
on
record
.
•
Or
tap
Option
>
Chat
off
record
to
make
your
chats
off
the
record.
Ending
your
current
chat
1.
From
the
Home
screen,
tap
Apps
>
Talk
.
2.
From
any
chat
window,
tap
Option
>
End
chat
.
Talk
settings
1.
From
the
Home
screen,
tap
Apps
>
Talk
.
2.
Tap
Option
>
Settings
.
General
settings
Automatically
sign
in
Automatically
sign
in
to
Talk
when
you
turn
your
phone
on.
Mobile
indicator
When
selected,
your
status
will
indicate
you
are
using
Talk
on
your
mobile
phone.
Automatic
away
‐
status
Set
your
status
to
away
when
your
phone’s
display
is
off.