Table of Contents
If a message reports that installation was not successful, try
installing again. (Follow the instructions on the screen.)
Certain system extensions or applications that were
originally on your hard disk may not be installed with the Installer
program. If you notice that a certain extension or program was not
installed, you may need to install it separately. You can find these
additional extensions and programs on the CD-ROM disc that contains
system software. (Application programs from other vendors can be
reinstalled from backup copies you made.)
Doing a Clean Installation of System Software
If you can’t determine what is damaged in your System Folder, you can
do what is commonly called a “clean” installation of the system soft-
ware. You should also do a clean installation if you’re still having
problems with your computer after you’ve reinstalled system software
by doing a normal installation.
To do a clean installation, follow these steps:
Start up your computer from the CD-ROM disc that con-
tains system software.
See “Starting Up From a CD-ROM Disc” earlier in this chapter.
Find and open the Disk First Aid icon.
You may need to look in a folder called Utilities to find Disk First
After Disk First Aid starts, follow the instructions on the screen.
Disk First Aid checks your hard disk for any problems.
When Disk First Aid has finished checking your hard
disk, choose Quit from the File menu
Open the HDT Primer PE program.
You use the HDT Primer PE program to update your hard disk
In the list of drives, click your startup disk.
From the File menu
, c hoose Update Driver.
When the update process is finished, quit HDT Primer
PE .