Table of Contents
You should hear a tone from the computer as it starts.
You will see the UMAX Computer registration window
on the desktop as pictured below.
Follow the instructions on your screen.
The registration window provides the opportunity to register your
computer electronically. If your computer is connected to a
modem, the transfer process takes less than a minute and the call
is toll-free within the United States and Canada. If you are not
connected to a modem, you can print and mail the completed regis-
tration card to UMAX Computer Corporation. If you prefer, a pre-
printed registration card is also included with your SuperMac
J700 computer.
If you see a blinking question mark in a small diskette icon
see “Solutions to Common Problems” in Chapter 5. You may need to
reinstall the System software on your computer’s hard disk. (Sys-
tem software, a set of files that the computer uses to start itself,
keep track of files, and run application programs, is pre-installed
on your SuperMac J700 computer.) See Chapter 5 for instructions
on reinstalling System software.
If Your Monitor Screen Is Dark
If your display is blank or does not appear as described above, check
the following items.
Do not connect or disconnect cables while the
computer is on. You could damage your equipment.
Is your computer turned on? The illuminated power-on button on
the front of your computer should be lit. If not, press the illumi-
nated power button or the keyboard’s power key.
Is the computer plugged into a power source? If it is plugged into a
power strip, is the power strip turned on?
Are the keyboard and mouse cables connected correctly? Review
the connection procedures in this chapter.
Is your display power cord plugged in?
Is your display turned on? Check the power light on the front of
the display.
Is your display cable attached firmly to both the display and the
SuperMac J700 computer?
Are the brightness and contrast controls on your display adjusted
high enough for you to see an image?