Table of Contents
In Summary
You’ve finished setting up your computer. Please continue with one of
the following:
If you are...
A new user
See Chapter 2, “Fundamentals and Getting Help”
An experienced user new
to the PowerMac, or new
to System 7.5.3 or greater.
See “The Macintosh Guide” in Chapter 2 to learn
about the Macintosh Guide. This is your main
source of information for working with the Power-
Mac and the Mac™ OS 7.5.3 or greater.
If you need to...
Install more software
See Chapter 4 in this book for information on
setting up programs and managing memory. You
will need this information to properly set up any
software designed specifically for SuperMac J700
Add more hardware
If you want to connect additional equipment, such
as a scanner, to your computer, see Chapter 3 of
this manual as well as the instructions that came
with those devices