Ensure that the pump is used within an ambient temperature range of 0 - 40°C.
Use at high temperatures will dramatically reduce the life of the pump.
Install cooling equipment (e.g. a fan) if the pump is to be used at an ambient
temperature in excess of 40°C, and set ambient temperature to 40°C or less.
Ensure that the pump outlet is free of back pressure when the pump is started. Back
pressure at the pump outlet will result in overload on the motor, and may prevent
The overload protector operates when the pump becomes excessively hot. Touching it in
this condition may result in burns.
Maintenance and Repair
The pump is manufactured to precise clearances, and should not be dismantled or
modified under any circumstances.
* Problems (e.g. faults) with the vacuum pump shall be resolved by consultation
between the two parties.