Exo x6a Operations Manual
revision 1
1st September 2013
10: Flight Mode
ECode 0 ~ 10: the vehicle was unable to enter the desired flight mode
(0=Stabilize, 1=Acro, 2=AltHold, 3=Auto, 4=Guided, 5=Loiter, 6=RTL, 7=Circle, 8=Position,
9=Land, 10=OF_Loiter)
Status – 0 = no GPS, 1 = GPS but no fix, 2 = GPS with 2D fix, 3 = GPS with 3D fix
Time: the GPS reported time since epoch in milliseconds
NSats: the number of satellites current being used
: a measure of gps precision (1.5 is good, >2.0 is not so good)
Lat: Lattitude according to the GPS
Lng: Longitude according to the GPS
RelAlt: Acceler Baro altitude in meters
Alt: GPS reported altitude (not used by the flight controller)
SPD: horizontal ground speed in m/s
GCrs: ground course in degrees (0 = north)
IMU (accelerometer and gyro information):
GyrX, GyrY, GyrZ: the raw gyro rotation rates in degrees/second
AccX, AccY, AccZ: the raw accelerometer values in m/s/s
INAV (inertial navigation position and velocity estimates):
BAlt: barometer altitude in cm
IAlt: inertial nav altitude estimate in cm
IClb: inertial nav estimated climb rate in cm/s
ACorrX. ACorrY, ACorrZ: x, y and z-axis accelerometer correction in cm/s/s
GLat, GLon: GPS latitude and longitude from home