Exo x6a Operations Manual
revision 1
1st September 2013
CurrTot: total current drawn from battery
CTUN (throttle and altitude information):
ThrIn: the pilot‟s throttle in as a number from 0 to 1000
SonAlt: the altitude above ground according to the sonar
BarAlt: the altitude above ground according to the barometer
WPAlt: the desired altitude while in AltHold, Loiter, RTL or Auto flight modes
NavThr: not used
AngBst: throttle increase (from 0 ~ 1000) as a result of the copter leaning over (automatically
added to all pilot and autopilot throttle to reduce altitude loss while leaning)
CRate: acceler baro climb rate estimate in cm/s
ThrOut: final throttle output sent to the motors (from 0 ~ 1000). Normally equal to ThrIn while
in stabilize mode.
DCRate – pilot desired climb rate in cm/s
D32, DU32 (single data values which are either signed 32bit integers or unsigned 32bit
id: identification number for the variable. There are only two possible values
7 = bit mask of internal state. The meaning of individual bits can be found in
definition of the ap structure
9 = simple mode‟s initial heading in centi-degrees
ERR (an error message):
SubSystem and Error codes listed below
1: Main (never used)
2: Radio
ECode 1: “Late Frame” which means the APM‟s onboard ppm encoder did not provide an
update for at least 2 seconds
ECode 0: error resolved which means the ppm encoder started providing data again