The four-eyes group is used to operate a knob cylinder only when two different
keys are held up, out of which one should be a member of the four eyes group
and the other should have normal authorization for the knob cylinder. Which
group is defined as the four-eyes group can be configured for each knob
In combination with a CX6934 IDS module, the knob cylinder can be used to
enable and disable the intrusion detection system (IDS). To do this it is necessary
to define a group (IDS group) in the knob cylinder that is authorized to enable /
disable the IDS.
In addition, a firefighters group can be defined, which is always authorized to
open the door regardless of the status of the intrusion detection system. In
contrast to the firefighter group authorization, the status of the intrusion detection
system (IDS) is first checked before granting access for all the other group
Time zones
A locking authorization can be time-restricted using a time zone. The time
restriction along with the locking authorizations are programmed in the key in the
Clex prime system.
The following time restrictions are possible:
Total interval
Day interval
Weekly schedule
Special time zones
For detailed information on the different time zones, please refer to the Keyvi
software manual.
Automatic expiry date
Using the automatic expiry date, makes it is possible to restrict the validity of a
key regardless of the time zones applicable for the key
For detailed information on the automatic expiry date, please refer to the Keyvi
software manual.
Radio network
If a corresponding radio network is installed in the building, then the knob
cylinder CX6182 can be integrated with this network. The following functions can
be then be executed via radio:
Programming authorizations
Changing authorizations
Configuring time zones / time changeovers
Reading event log
Engaging the knob cylinder (for the duration defined by locking time)
Viewing battery and maintenance messages
Reading the battery value
FW update
Key feedback
Even for knob cylinders operated offline, there is an option to send the battery
status of the knob cylinder to the Keyvi management software. To do this, the
Intrusion detection
system (IDS) group