Thunder i7520 / Thunder i75 20 R Chapter 4: B I O S Setup
I/O Device Configuration:
Floppy disk controller
Enabled / Dis abled
Serial port A: Disabled / Enabled / Auto
Base I/O Address: 3F8 / 2F8 / 3E8/ 2E8
Interrupt : IRQ3 / I R Q 4
Serial port B: Disabled / Enabled / Auto
Base I/O Address: 3F8 / 2F8 / 3E8/ 2E8
Interrupt: I R Q 3 / IRQ4
Parallel port: Disabled / Enabled / Auto
Mode: Output Only / Bi- directional / EPP / ECP
Base I/O Address: 3F8 / 2 78 / 3BC
Interrupt: IRQ5 / IRQ7
Console Redirection:
COM P ort Address: Disabled / Onboard COM A / Onboard COM B
Select onboard serial port or serial port on BMC IPMI card for console
Baud Rate: 300 /1200 /2400 /9600 / 19.2K
/38.4K /57.6K /115.2K
Console Type: VT100 / VT 100 8bit / PC- ANSI, 7bit / PC ANSI / VT100+ / VT-UTF8
Flow Contr ol: None / XON/XOFF / CTS/RTS
Console connection
Direct / Via Modem
Indicate whether the console is connected directly to the system or a
modem is used to connect.
Continue C.R. after POST
Enable Console Redirection after OS has loaded.
Legacy USB Support
Enable support for legacy Universal Serial Bus.
Enabled / Dis abled
Hardware Monitor
BIOS Event Logging
BIOS Event Logging: Enabled / Dis abled
View BIOS Event Log: [Enter] Press < Enter > key to view the event log
Clear all BIOS Event Logs: Enabled /Disabled
Real-time Sensors
Auto display CPU/system temperatures, fan speeds and voltages.