C2-3300 S
13.5.1 Loading Still Images / Testcards
Figure 12 Image loader
To program a Still Image / Testcard into the unit select the ‘Testcards’ tab from the
image programmer screen and then press
Load Image
You can select JPEG, BMP and GIF images. The image will be loaded and shown
on the screen. You should then enter a name for the image – this name, limited to
24 characters, will be shown on the unit when it is selected as a source.
The image number is the ‘slot’ that the image will be loaded into within the unit,
there are between 10 and 15 ‘slots’ available depending on the unit type.
Pressing program will convert the image into its raw RGB values and then
compress it, if the image is too large once compressed then the programming
sequence will stop and report that the image is too large / complex.
Selecting the ‘Reduce image size to fit memory’ option will cause the application to
automatically shrink the image and then recompress until the image will fit into the
units memory. This will reduce the quality and detail in the image, but make it fit
into the unit. If the resizing of the image is unacceptable then the complexity of the
image may need to be reduced. You should refer to 13.5.3 for a guide to producing
an image that will be suitable for the memory space available in the unit.