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Product ID:
The manufacturer product number
Product Name:
Product number of the unit
MAC Address:
the MAC address of the unit
IP Address:
Discover and edit the IP address
Subnet Mask:
Discover and edit the subnet address
Gateway IP:
Discover and edit the gateway address
IP Address of Domain Name System server
IP Mode:
Select either static of dynamic IP addressing
Web GUI Port:
The port used for the web interface (80 is default)
Telnet Port:
The port used for Telnet commands (23 is default)
Firmware Version:
The current firmware version of unit
Hardware Version:
The hardware version of the unit
A short description of the unit
Web GUI:
Link to open the web interface in your browser
Telnet Control
Before attempting to use the Telnet control, please ensure that both
the 1T-CL-322 (via the 'LAN/CONTROL' port) and the PC/Laptop are
connected to the same active networks.
To access the Telnet control in Windows, click on the 'Start' menu and
type "cmd" in the Search field then press enter.
Under Mac OS X, go to Go
Once in the command line interface (CLI) type "telnet", then a blank
space, then the IP address of the unit, and another blank space, and
the number 23, then hit enter. Example below -
This will make the connection to the controller. Type "help" to list the
available commands.