Cyclops Submersible Sensor
Rev. 2.9
Page 5
Inspection and Setup
2.1 Instrument Checklist
The Cyclops Submersible Sensor shipment package consists of:
Cyclops Submersible Sensor:
Configured and factory scaled for the specified analysis (see Identification
Letter stamped on the connector for specified analysis):
“C” = Chlorophyll
“R” = Rhodamine
“F” = Fluorescein
“P” = Phycocyanin
“E” = Phycoerythrin
“O” = Crude Oil
“B” = Optical Brighteners
“T” = Turbidity
“G” = Refined Fuels
“A” = PTSA
“L” = Tryptophan
“D” = Red Excitation
Test Criteria
2.2 Housing Configurations:
Stainless Steel Cyclops-7F (P/N: 2110-000-
“Identification Letter”)
Stainless Steel Cyclops-7 (P/N: 2100-000-
“Identification Letter”)
Plastic or Titanium housings (recommended for highly corrosive
environments or long term deployments).
Titanium Cyclops-7F (P/N: 2110-000-
“Identification Letter” T)
Plastic Cyclops-7F (P/N: 2118-000-
“Identification Letter”)
Plastic Cyclops-7F with Titanium connector (P/N: 2118-000-
Titanium Cyclops-7 (P/N: 2100-000-
“Identification Letter” T)
Plastic Cyclops-7 (P/N: 2108-000-
“Identification Letter”)
Plastic Cyclops-7 with Titanium connector (P/N: 2108-000-
6000 meter Cyclops-
6K (
P/N: 2160-000-
“Identification Letter”)
No Connector Cyclops-7F (P/N: 2110-000-
“Identification Letter”-NC).
No Connector Cyclops-7 (P/N: 2100-000-
“Identification Letter”-NC).
Refer to Appendix G for wiring and functional testing.
2.3 Optional Accessories include:
Cyclops Pigtail Cables with Locking Sleeve
(see Appendix D for more
“A” = PTSA
“A” = PTSA