Cyclops Submersible Sensor
Rev. 2.9
Page 18
Appendix E: Controlling the Gain
The operating range can either be set to one of the 3 available ranges, which will be
referred to as "Static Gain Control", or it can be dynamically changed to achieve the
optimum operating range, referred to below as "Dynamic Gain Control". The first
approach is applicable when using the Cyclops as a stand-alone sensor. The second
approach is applicable when the Cyclops is integrated into a system with control
Both methods are implemented by grounding “driving Low” the appropriate gain
control pin. The X10 and X100 gain control pins are normally in a "High" state if they
are not connected to anything. This means the Cyclops default is the X1 gain (largest
concentration range) mode. The Cyclops can be put into higher gain, lower
concentration range modes, by connecting either the X10 or X100 pin
(but not both
at the same time)
to ground.
Method 1 - Static Gain Control
Connect the X10 or X100 pin to the analog ground pin of the Cyclops pigtail
connector. See the Gain Switching Table in Appendix C to determine the required
configuration for desired gain/measurement range. See Appendix D for Pigtail Cable
and Connector information. Also, see “Setting the Gain” section 3.2 for more
information on “Static Gain Control”.
Method 2 - Dynamic Gain Control
If you have a Data Collection System (DCS) that has programmable outputs you can
use them to control the Cyclops gain settings. Following are three common output
types found in DCSs and how to connect them to the Cyclops. Refer to your DCS
manual to determine which is appropriate. (For those who want technical data: the
’s X10 and X100 gain control pins are connected internally to the input of a
Schmitt trigger inverter, part number 74LVC1G14, and a 100K ohm pull-up resistor.
Both use a 5-Volt power supply.)
Output type 1: Digital Signals
Logic signals can be used to drive the gain control pins. In most cases you can
connect the digital signal output of the DCS directly to the Cyclops gain control pins.
To drive them high, the voltage should be 3 VDC min
– 5 VDC max. To drive them
low, the voltage should be 1 VDC max
– 0 VDC min. You may need to connect the
Cyclops analog ground to the DCS ground.
Output type 2: Open Collector Signals
This type of output is either open or connected to ground. Connect the Cyclops gain
control pins directly to these outputs. You may need to connect the Cyclops analog
ground to the DCS ground.
Output type 3: Relays
Relays act as a controllable switch. Connect one end of the relay to the Cyclops analog
ground. Connect the other end of the relay to the Cyclops gain control pin.