Trixie 32040 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 2

TRIXIE Heimtierbedarf  · Industriestr. 32 · 24963 Tarp · GERMANY ·


  General Advice

1.  This game is a joint activity for dog and handler. Do not let your 

dog play without supervision. 

2.  Place the game in a way that allows the dog to run around it 

freely to find his optimal position in the game. 

3.  Choose a quiet atmosphere for the training. Train with only one 

dog at a time.  

4.  Choose the optimal time to start the game. Do not start the 

game directly after your dog has been fed, but rather 1 ½ hours 
after the meal at the earliest. 

5.  To avoid overstraining your dog, train only in short units (max. 10 

minutes), you could, however, train several times a day. 

6.  Always set small goals and do not expect too much of your dog. 

This will provide you both with a lot of fun during the training. 

7.  At the beginning, help your dog with the task so that he stays 

motivated. It is important that your dog is successful fairly 
quickly so that he connects the game with something positive. 
During the initial phase, you can give your dog a treat in between 

- already for trying. Once your dog has understood that this is a 
"food game", he will quickly enjoy trying it. 

8.  If your dog should happen not to solve a task, help him or go back 

one step in the training. The dog should never be scolded or 

9.  To awaken your dog's interest, fill the game with treats in his 

presence in the beginning. To increase the level of difficulty, you 
can later do this when your dog is not present. 

10. Always begin the game with a start signal (e.g. "play") and end it 

with an end signal (e.g. "end") once your dog has succeeded in 
getting out all the treats. When your dog has obeyed the signal 
to stop the game, reward it with a final treat. 

11. The training should always end with a success. 



 There is really no "wrong" or "right" in this game. 

Each dog is an individual - just like us humans - and will find his 
own approach. Let your dog decide if he wants to solve the task 
with his snout or his paws. This might mean that you deviate 
from the following instructions. The instructions are merely a 
suggestion how to find an easy and feasible approach together 
with your dog.  

  On principle it is important to note: Do not allow your dog to 

carry the game away or to destroy it (as this is often a sign of 
frustration and/or too much strain).   

  May you and your dog have lots of fun and be successful. 


  Please carry out all the steps one after the other. Only raise the 

level of difficulty when your dog can carry out the preceding 
training phase without problems. Praise your dog after each 
successful action. 

  Please note that the amount of treats ejected varies and occurs 

randomly. Sometimes there are a lot of treats, sometimes only a 
few. This keeps it exciting for the dog as from time to time there 
is a jackpot (an extra large amount of treats). Please check 
beforehand if the treats fit through the opening easily and adjust 
it to the right size if necessary. 


Make sure that the Memory Trainer 3.0 is always filled sufficiently 

so that a treat falls out at every turn of the feed container. 


The Training can start 

1.  At first practise with the release button only. Set one of the 

acoustic signals for your dog. Always use the same acoustic 
signal. This signal tells the dog ' You did this well!' If you have two 
dogs, you can set a different signal for each dog and train them 
to react only to their own signal.

2.  Take the release button into your hand or place it on the floor 

and press it. Give your dog a treat every time the acoustic signal 
is heard. Repeat this several times to get your dog used to the 
acoustic signal. 

3.  Once your dog has understood that he will get a treat when the 

signal tone sounds, he is motivated to activate the trigger 
himself. Each approach towards  the trigger is a subtarget and 
can be rewarded.  

4.  Once your dog has mastered pressing the release button, you can 

create the connection to the food dispenser. Start by pressing 
the release button or having your dog press it and then place the 
treat in tray of the food dispenser. 

5.  In the next step, switch the dispenser on. Press the release button. 

Treats will fall out of the dispenser into the tray. Repeat this 
several times to get your dog used to the sounds the dispenser 

6.  Now you can fix the release button to one of the openings 

intended for it on the dispenser. Or you place the release button 
directly next to the dispenser in the rubber holder. Now let your 
dog press the release button. 

7.  Once your dog has mastered all these steps, you can move the 

release button a bit further away from the food dispenser. 

8.  To further increase the level of difficulty, you can increase the 

distance between the release button and the dispenser even 
more. This can be done within a radius of max. 40 m, so that 
release button and dispenser can be in two different rooms. 

9.  With the aid of the suction cup included, you can fasten the 

release button to a glass door or to other smooth surfaces. With 
the peg included, it can be secured in soft ground, e.g. in the 
garden. This again poses new challenges for your dog and allows 
numerous variations of the game. 



Instead of filling in treats, you can fill the game 

with your dog's usual dry feed instead.


Video of the Game:

Содержание 32040

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