Revision C August 2014
All rights in copyright reserved
8) Make all necessary repairs as described above. Refer to Post-Impact Instructions for
more information.
9) Note the location and condition of the QuadGuard
CEN system and any work done in
the Impact Attenuator Inspection Logbook under the date of this inspection. If further
repair is necessary, note repair request date in logbook. Refer to Post-Impact
Instructions and assembly section of this Manual for more information.
Post-Impact Instructions
1) Deploy the appropriate
devices to protect your crew.
2) Check to see that all
anchor bolts
have remained firmly anchored in the roadway
surface. Replace any that are loose, broken, or pulled out. Proper performance of the
system depends on the Monorail anchors being properly deployed.
If the system is anchored to asphalt, it should be relocated to fresh, undisturbed asphalt
after each impact to insure adequate future impact performance. The ground anchors
should be deployed.
The proper performance of the system during an angle impact depends on the Monorail
anchors being properly anchored.
3) Clear and dispose of any debris on the site.
4) Check the system to be certain that the Mushroom Washer Assemblies holding the
Fender Panels together are still intact and that the system has not been deformed in a
way that would prevent pulling it intact back to its original position.
5) Be sure that the Diaphragm Support Legs are all properly attached to the Monorail.
6) Attach 10 mm [3/8”] grade 40 chain to pullout Brackets on first Diaphragm (see Figure
49). Attach both ends of chain to a heavy vehicle (such as a 1 ton pickup).
Stand clear in case the chain breaks or becomes disconnected.
Figure 49
Pullout Bracket Locations
(Nose Belt not shown for clarity)