Monopack 2 Manual V1.04
Copyright © 2010, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG
The Monopack PC Software
The Monopack PC software is provided to explore and configure the Monopack using its RS485 interface. To use
this software, an RS485 adapter is needed to connect the Monopack to a RS232 (COM) port of a PC. The PC
software uses the RTS line of the PC’s RS232 port to control the data direction of the RS485 adapter. The software
needs at least Windows 95 or a later version to run. To install the software, just copy the file “MonoControl.exe”
from the Monopack software disk to the hard disk of your PC. Simply double click the “MonoControl.exe” file to run
the program.
Using the Program
After starting the program, its main window
(Figure 6.1) is displayed. First, select the
interface the Monopack is connected to in the
“Interface” section and enter its RS485 address
in the “Unit Address” section. Then click the
“Open” button to open the connection.
All Monopack commands described in this
manual can be found on the “Parameters (1)”,
“Parameters (2)”, “PID”, “Get” and “Other” pages.
To use a command, first click on the appropriate
radio button in the “Command” section. With
Parameter and PID commands, select if the
values are to be changed or to be read out in
the “Modifier” section. Then, fill in the necessary
parameters in the “Parameter” section and after
that, click the “Send Command” button in the
“Command Bytes” section. The command will
then be sent to the Monopack. The command
and its parameter bytes are also displayed in
the “Command Bytes” section of the main
For commands which send back an answer, the
answer is displayed in the corresponding
“Parameter” or “Last Answer” section.
Figure 6.1:
The Monopack PC Software
Firmware update / Reset to factory default
To update the Monopack2 to the actual firmware follow following procedure:
Switch off the Monopack and connect it to PC
Set DIP-Switch 6 to ON, refer to 2.1
Energize Monopack2
Start program MONOpack2.exe and press “Update Firmware” in tab MPII
Start the update by selecting the new firmware file “MPII-V___.hex”
If the update process is interrupted start again (the bootloader is not overwritten)
Reset the module by clicking “Clear EEPROM”.
When the update / reset process is successful switch off the MONOpack2 and set back DIP-Switch 6.
The Monopack2 is ready to use.
Note: The program MONOpack2.exe can be found at TechLibCD and at
, where the newest
firmware version is also provided.