Monopack 2 Manual V1.04
Copyright © 2010, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG
So if the RS485 interface is to be used, first enter a Y9 command in an RS232 session and then store this setting
to the EEPROM using the “W” command and enable the EEPROM using the “E” command. After cycling the power
the Monopack 2 is in RS485 mode. Now try to use an Y command with a value lower than 9 to make RS485 faster.
Set the RS485 address
The RS485 address of the Monopack 2 can be set using the “Z” command. This command must be followed by a
value between 33 and 255 which is the ASCII code of the RS485 address letter to be used. The address setting
must be stored in the EEPROM using the “W” command.
Help screen
Entering the command “?” shows a help screen. This help screen displays all possible commands and the values of
all possible settings. It also show the actual settings of all values.
Messages sent by the device
When using the RS232 interface the Monopack 2 after power on firsts sends a message containing the firmware
revision. With the Monopack 2 this is at least V1.3 (the old Monopack LT had firmware revision 1.2).
Monopack Lite V1.3 (C) TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co KG 2005
In certain error conditions the Monopack 2 also sends a message:
The current is too high (possible short circuit of the outputs).
The temperature in the pack is too high.
The supply voltage is too low (below 12V).