Drive Configuration
Initial Setup of the Register Tree
For a rotational encoder with 2048 lines and with the position unit in degree, the
is 360°/
2048 = 0.17578125.
For a linear encoder the value for
is taken from the data sheet of the encoder, e.g. 0.02 for
an encoder with a pitch of 20um and position units of "mm".If an encoder with digital protocol is
used refer to [8] on how to set the
: With this parameter the bandwidth of
can be
defined. The value corresponds to the time constant of the filter.
Backlash compensation can be applied if an axis shows a directional contouring error during slow mo-
tion. This can for example be caused by the backlash of a spindle drive.
: The value of
has to be set equal to the value of the contouring
error. For dual-loop axes, the backlash has to be configured for the encoder of the inner controller
loop (Encoder[0] in most cases). To align the backlash compensation with the axis reference, the di-
rection of the reference move can be considered for the compensation by setting the sign of the pa-
Use a positive sign if the reference move is done in positive direction. In this case the correction
is applied when the axis is moving in negative direction.
Use a negative sign if the reference move is done in negative direction. In this case the correc-
tion is applied when the axis is moving in positive direction.
: The value of
can be
used to configure the smoothing of the backlash compensation. If backlash compensation is ap-
Figure 39: The pitch is displayed for incremental encoders (left) and analog encoders (right). The encoder pitch cor-
responds to the distance between the encoder lines or to one signal period.
Figure 40: Backlash compensation.