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9.7 Barcodes
To print bar codes insert text between the squiggly brackets: ‘{’ begins a barcode and ‘}’
ends a barcode. For example, the message on the Fig.9.13 consists of a regular ‘ABC’ text
followed by the corresponding bar code. Blue bar shows the message printed on the wire.
The bar code can be inserted in any section of the wire.
Fig.9.13. Barcode.
Barcode parameters are shown in Fig.9.14.
Fig.9.14. Barcode parameters.
Horizontal Scale
defines the width of the barcode
Vertical Scale
defines the height of the barcode
Line Spacing
is the distance between vertical lines within the barcode
Character Spacing
is the distance between nearest barcode symbols
Click the
button to save new parameters to the application, click
button to close the
window without saving.
Standard software supports bar code 3 of 9. Other barcodes may be available upon