HSP and CSP for CV or SZ VAV
are both lost.
Cannot control at ZSM, unit
using RTRM Default Mode.
100 to 900 Ohms approx. Use
ZSM Test Procedures.
If a sensor is used at RTRM J6-1 and J6-2, Cool
Failure Output at RTRM J6-8 to J6-6 “COOL” LED
Blinks at ZSM. If RTRM senses a zone temp input
and then it is lost,
(ZTEMP) Zone Temperature
Sensor CV, SZ VAV, or VAV during
Unoccupied mode.
No Heating or Cooling ZSM
“Fan” selection switch operates
IDM during Unoccupied Mode.
-40 TO 150 F
346K to 2.1K
CV Cool Failure Output at RTRM J6-8 to J6-6
“COOL” LED Blinks at ZSM
TC01, TCO2, TC03 High Temp
Heat goes off, IDM runs
Normally Closed
Open 135 F
Reset 105 F.
Heat Failure Output at RTRM J6-7 to J6-6 “HEAT”
LED Blinks at ZSM.
(LPC1) Low Pressure Control
Compressor CPR1 will not
Open 25 PSIG
Close 41 PSIG.
Possible Cool Failure at RTRM J1-8 to Ground, 0
VAC. “COOL” LED Blinks at ZSM.
(LPC2) Low Pressure Control
Dual Circuits Only
Compressor CPR2 will not
Open 25 PSIG
Close 41 PSIG.
Possible Cool Failure at RTRM J3-2 to Ground, 0
VAC. “COOL” LED blinks at ZSM.
Compressor CPR1 will not
Normally Closed
range varies by unit.
Cool Failure Output at RTRM J6-8 to J6-6 “COOL”
LED blinks at ZSM.
(CCB2 or CCB3)
Compressor Overload
Compressor CPR2 or CPR3 will
not operate.
Normally Closed
range varies by unit
Cool Failure Output at RTRM J6-8 to J6-6 “COOL”
LED blinks at ZSM.
(HPC1) High Pressure Control
Compressor CPR1 will not
Open 650 psig
Close 550 psig
Cool Failure Output at RTRM J6-8 to J6-6 “COOL”
LED blinks at ZSM.
(HPC2) High Pressure Control
Compressor CPR2 or CPR3 will
not operate.
Open 650 psig
Close 550 psig
Cool Failure Output at RTRM J6-8 to J6-6 “COOL”
LED blinks at ZSM.
(WTL1) Winding
Temperature Limit
Compressor CPR1 will not
Normally Closed
Cool Failure Output at RTRM J6-8 to J6-6 “COOL”
LED blinks at ZSM.
(WTL2 or WTL3) Winding
Temperature Limit
Compressor CPR2 or CPR3 will
not operate.
Normally Closed
Cool Failure Output at RTRM J6-8 to J6-6 “COOL”
LED blinks at ZSM.
(CC1) Compressor
Contactor 24 VAC coil
Compressor CPR1 will not
Varies by unit
Cool Failure Output at RTRM J6-8 to J6-6 “COOL”
LED blinks at ZSM.
(CC2 or CC3) Compressor
Contactor 24 VAC coil
Compressor CPR2 or CPR3 will
not operate.
Varies by unit
Cool Failure Output at RTRM J6-8 to J6-6 “COOL”
LED blinks at ZSM.
(CFS) Clogged Filter Switch
This input is for “indication”
only and does not effect the
normal operation of the unit.
“Normal operation = 0 VAC
measured between terminals
J5-1 and Ground.
SERVICE LED ON 2-30 Vdc present at RTRM J6-6
and J6-10.
(FFS) Supply Fan Proving Switch
Unit will not operate in any
0.5" W.C. Normally Open
Service Failure Output at RTRM J6-6 to J6-10
“SERVICE” LED blinks at ZSM.
(SPT) Static Pressure Transducer
Fan speed command remains
at 0%.
0.25 - 4 Vdc between J8 and J9
on VAV
Heat and Cool Failure Output at RTRM J6-7 to J6-
6 & RTRM J6-8 to J6-6 “HEAT” and “COOL” LED's
blink at ZSM.
*NONE* = No LED indication
Table 84. Component failure mode