Condenser Coils MCHE Maintenance
Cleaning Procedures
It is mandatory to clean regularly the coils for a proper
unit operation. Eliminate pollution and other residual
material help to extend the life of the coils and the unit.
CAUTION! Equipment Damage!
Do not use coil cleaning
agents to clean uncoated RTAF coils. Use clean water
only. Use of coil cleaning agents on uncoated RTAF coils
could cause damage to coils.
Regular coil maintenance, including frequent cleaning-
enhances the unit’s operating effi ciency by minimizing
compressor head pressure and amperage draw. The
condenser coil (non-coated and e-coated) should be
cleaned at least once each quarter or more if the unit is
located in a “dirty” or corrosive environment. Cleaning
with cleansers or detergents is strongly discouraged due
to the all-aluminum construction; straight water should
prove suffi cient. Any breach in the tubes can result in
refrigerant leaks.
Only in extreme cases should any type of
chemical cleaner or detergent be used on micro channel
coils. If it becomes absolutely necessary because water
alone did not clean the coil, specify a cleaner that is:
• A is pH neutral cleaner.
• An alkaline cleaner that is no higher than 8 on
the pH scale.
• An acidic cleaner that is no lower than 6 on
the pH scale.
• Does not contain any hydrofl uoric acids.
Be sure to follow the instructions provided with any
cleaner chosen. Keep in mind that it is still MANDATORY
that the coils are thoroughly rinsed with water after the
application of the cleaner even if the instructions specify
a “No Rinse” cleaner. Cleaners or detergents that are
left on the coil due to improper rinsing will signifi cantly
increase the possibility of corrosion damage on the micro
channel coil.
Quarterly cleaning (or more for harsh environment)
is essential to extend the life of a MCHE coil and is
required to maintain warranty coverage. Failure to clean
a MCHE coil will void the warranty and may result in
reduced effi ciency and durability in the environment.
WARNING! Hazardous Voltage!
Disconnect all electric
power, including remote disconnects before servicing.
Follow proper lockout/ tagout procedures to ensure the
power cannot be inadvertently energized. Failure to
disconnect power before servicing could result in death
or serious injury.
1. Disconnect Power to the unit.
2. Wear proper personal protection equipment such as
a face shield, gloves and waterproof clothing.
3. Remove enough panels from the unit to gain safe
access to the micro channel coil.
It is better to clean the coil from the opposite
direction of normal air fl ow (inside of unit out) because
this allows the debris to be pushed out rather than forced
further into the coil.
1. Use a soft brush or vacuum to remove base debris
or surface loaded fi bers from both sides of the coil.
Remove solid residue is essential to preserve
performance of the coil and avoid corrosion over the
length of the product life.
2. Using a sprayer and water ONLY, clean the coil
following the guidelines below.
a. Sprayer nozzle pressure should not exceed
40 bars.
b. The maximum source angle should not exceed
25 degrees (Figure 9) to the face of the coil.
For best results spray the micro channel
perpendicular to face of the coil.
c. Spray nozzle should be approximately 5 to 10 cm
from the coil surface.
d. Use at least a 15º fan type of spray nozzle.
Figure 20 – Sprayer source angle
To avoid damage from the spray wand contacting the
coil, make sure the 90º attachment does not come in
contact with the tube and fi n as abrasion to the coil
could result.
Maintenance of Flanges Connection
It is mandatory to apply marine grease all around the coil
fl ange connections to the piping on a regular basis (for
instance twice a year) to avoid traps of moisture and dirt
in the gasket recess.
Repair / Replacement of Micro
channel Coil
Micro channel coils are considerably more robust in
design than tube and fi n condenser coils, however they
are not indestructible. When damage or a leak occurs in
the fi eld, it is possible to temporarily repair the coil until
another coil can be ordered.
If the leak is found to be within the tube area of the coil,
a fi eld repair kit (KIT16112) is available through your
local Trane parts center. Because of the all-aluminum
construction and aluminum’s high thermal expansion
rate, a leak located at or on the header assembly cannot
be repaired.