ptill no mellets in the cirepot – mroceed to step PK
PF aisconnect mower `ord from electrical outletK
aF rnplug the Auger arive jotor E oedLthite wire pair connectorF and the araft
fnducer can ElrangeLthite wire pair connectorFK
bF oeconnect the araft fnducer can to the oedLthite wire pair and the Auger
arive jotor to the lrangeLthite pairK
cF mlug mower `ord into an appropriateI grounded electrical outlet and turn the
pwitchLaial lkK
dF ff the Auger arive jotor
operating Echeck the small fan blade on the back of
the motorFI the problem is in the qhree ppeed or aigital `ontrolI which will need
to be replacedK `ontact your qraeger aealer or the qraeger marts
EpbCTflk pbsbkF
to place an orderK
QF ff the Auger arive jotor
is not
operating but the araft fnducer can
operatingI the
problem is in the Auger systemI which will need to be checkedK
aF tith the pwitchLaial lccI locate the small fan blade on the back of the Auger
arive jotorK
bF thile watching the fan bladeI turn the pwitchLaial to lkK ff the fan blade
turnI turn the pwitchLaial to lccK qhis indicates a defective Auger arive
jotor and it will need to be replacedK `ontact your qraeger aealer or the
qraeger marts aepartment
EpbCTflk pbsbkF
to place an orderK
cF ff the fan blade turns a bit and then stopsI continue watching and turn the
pwitchLaial to lccK ff the fan blade rktfkap slightlyI this indicates a jam in
the Auger system which will need to be clearedK
dF aisconnect mower `ord from electrical outlet and remove mellets from the mellet
eopperK `heck for foreign objects and wetLdecomposed melletsI both of which
can cause a jam in the Auger systemK qhe Auger will need to be removed to
clear a jam in the Auger systemK pee “elt al f objlsb qeb Ardbo fc fq
gAjp?” section belowK
elt al f obMlsb Teb Ardbo fc fT gAMp?
NF oemove any covers necessary to access the Auger arive jotorK
OF oemove the screw connecting the Auger arive jotor shaft to the Auger shaft and
the screw retaining the Auger Bushing into the Auger qubeK
PF tith a small pipe wrench or locking pliers on the Auger shaftI turn the Auger counter
clockwiseK ft will turn hard until it breaks freeI then the Auger will turn freelyK
QF oemove the Auger and clean all melletsI ash or foreign objects from the AugerI
Auger qube and cirepotK A shopJvac is ideal tor this taskK
RF pand the outside surfaces of the auger with medium grit sandpaperK `heck the
inside of the Auger qube and sand it if neededK sacuum sanding grit out of the
Auger qube and cirepot when finishedK
SF oeinstall the Auger Bushing and the Auger into the Auger qubeI making sure that
the Auger rotates freelyK
TF oeJattach the Auger shaft to the Auger arive jotor shaftK