pbCTflk TtlW fkfTfAi cfofkd fkpTorCTflkp
(To be used on initial firing or anytime the drill runs out of mellets)
fn order to ensure proper operation of the drillI you must first
allow the Auger Tube to be “charged” with melletsK
NF lpen the aoorLiid and remove the morcelain drillI drease arain man and eeat
Baffle from inside the drillK
OF jake sure the pwitchLaial is in the lcc positionK mlug the mower `ord into an
appropriateI grounded electrical outletK
PF lpen the mellet eopper iid and locate the AugerK jake sure there are no foreign
objects in the AugerK qurn the pwitchLaial lk and look into the mellet eopper to
confirm the Auger is turningK At the same timeI place your fingers over the cirepot
and feel the air movement from the araft fnducer canK iook to see if the eot ood is
getting hotK
al klT TlrCe fT!
qurn the pwitchLaial lccK
QF cill the mellet eopper with qoAbdbo BBn mbiibqpK
tAokfkd! rpb lkiv
ToAbdbo BoAka BBn mbiibTpI which are specifically made to work in our
drillsK kbsbo use heating fuel pellets in the drill due to potential hazardous
contaminants that may be presentK
qurn the pwitchLaial lkI set the qemperature
aial to efdeK koteW auring the initial charging of the AugerI it will take time for the
mellets to travel from the mellet eopper to the cirepotK then the mellets begin to fall
into the cirepotI turn the pwitchLaial lccK
RF qurn the pwitchLaial lkI set the qemperature aial to pjlhbK iet the mellets come
to full flameK lnce you see flames come out of the cirepotI turn the pwitchLaial lccI
and let the drill cool downK
obClMMbkaATflk for ease of cleanJupW iine the drease arain man with
heavyJduty aluminum foilK Be sure the edges and ends of the foil are tight
against the bottom of the drease arain manK
mosition the eeat BaffleI the foil lined
drease arain man and morcelain drill in their proper locationsK
SF tith the aoorLiid openI turn the pwitchLaial lk and set the qemperature aial to
pjlhbK fn approximately O minutes you will notice whitishJgray smoke coming out
of the drill as the mellets igniteK After assuring the mellets have ignitedI close the
aoorLiid and set the qemperature aial to any cooking setting desiredK
koteW Before cooking the first batch of food in your new drillI you will need to
season the drillK Turn the Temperature aial to efde and run for QR minutes at
this setting with the aoorLiid closedK This must be done before cooking any
food on the drillK
UF qhe drill should be allowed to preJheat for approximately NM minutes with the
aoorLiid closed before placing food in the drillK
AitAvp pTAoT Teb dofii lk pMlhb pbTTfkd
tfTe Teb alloLifa lmbk
lnce the mellets are ignitedI close the aoorLiid and
set the Temperature aial to any cooking temperature desiredK
klTbW then operating this drillI maintain a minimum
clearance of NM inches from drill to combustibles