Call Router Administrator
Tab Choices
Call Router Installation Guide 03/09
Start / Stop Times
Enter the Start and Stop time of the day for this Segment. Any time falling between these entries
will make this Segment a match when Call Router is searching for routing information. When
entering times, you must specify AM or PM by either typing in ‘AM’ or ‘PM’ or by using military
time. The following formats are all valid: 8:00, 8:00A, 8:00AM, 8 AM, 17:00, 5:00P, 5:00PM, 5 PM.
The program will display an error message if you use an invalid format.
This window selects the days of the week that you want this Segment
to be used. When Call Router is searching for routing information, if the
current day of the week does not have an X next to it here, this
Segment will not be used.
If you want to apply any specific days of the year to your
Segment, you do that by selecting a Calendar reference. If you
do not, make sure that <none> is entered in this drop-down
box. If the calendar you need does not exist yet, make a new
calendar as detailed in the Calendar section below, and then
return to your Segment and add it in.
When you select a Calendar, you have to specify whether you want your Segment to use the dates
of the calendar as exceptions, or as the rule. Do this by picking either Except on these dates or
Only on these dates.
Except on these dates – If you pick this option, it means that the dates listed in the Calendar
specified will disqualify this Segment from being used. If Christmas (12/25/95) is one of the dates
listed in the Calendar, for example, selecting this option means that even if the time and day of the
week are a match for an incoming call, if it is also December 25, 1995, then this segment will not
be used in determining the routing.
Only on these dates - If you pick this option, it means that the dates listed in the Calendar specified
will be the only dates on which this segment is used. If Christmas (12/25/95) is one of the dates
listed in the Calendar, for example, selecting this option means that if the time and day of the week
are a match for an incoming call, if it is also December 25, 1995, then this segment will be used in
determining the routing.
Finally, you should enter the routing destination for a call should all the criteria for this segment be
met. Click the Edit button to bring up the Edit Destination dialogue box, enter the destination, and
when you click OK your selection will be written in gray in the destination text box.
If you neglect to make a destination entry, and this segment produces a match on an incoming call,
the routing instructions will default to Choice #2 - All other times for that record.