Instruction Manual
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Never use a pressure washer machine when washing the
membrane module and element which can cause fatal
delamination of membrane element edge.
Keep the membranes wet once they get wet. If the membranes are
allowed to dry out, the permeability of the membranes may be
permanently reduced.
9. Disposing Procedure
Follow these general guidelines when disposing of the membrane after use.
(1) Clean the membrane module with clean water. After the module has been rinsed off
allow the surfaces to dry. Dry surfaces make handling and transport easier.
(2) Dispose of the module or module components according to local waste disposal
regulations. If required, disassemble the module and segregate its components
accordingly (e.g. combustible/incombustible).
(3) Do not incinerate the membrane unless appropriate facilities are available. During the
incineration of the membrane materials, harmful Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) gas will be
generated. If the membranes are to be incinerated, it is recommended that a
professional waste disposal company be hired for the disposal.
Do not burn the membranes without appropriate facilities since
harmful Hydrogen fluoride (HF) gas will be generated. Hire a
professional solid waste disposal company to perform the task
when disposing of the membrane elements.