TOPEX MobiLink
Preliminary Manual
the user) of converting domain names into corresponding IP addresses. Every operating system has
routines that deal with resolution of domain names.
- This provides wireless data transmissions with a level of security.
- Standard for wired computer networks. Ethernet networks are connected by cables and
hubs, and move data around. For wired connections, MobiLinkIP provides Ethernet 10/100 ports,
four for the local LAN and one for WAN.
- System designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network. The firewall
determines which information passes in and out of and prevents anyone outside of your network from
accessing your computer without authorization and possibly damaging or viewing your files. Any
company with an intranet that allows its workers access to the wider Internet must use a software or
hardware firewall to prevent outsiders from accessing its own private data resources and for
controlling what outside resources its own users have access to. Here the firewall is software a set of
related programs (residing on the gateway server) that protect the resources of the local (internal)
- A network point that manages all the data traffic of your network, as well as to the Internet
and connects one network to another. MobiLinkIP is also gateway, since it interfaces between VoIP
calls form the local network and the voice mobile networks.
IP Address
– Short from Internet Protocol address. The numerical address of a network device or
resource as expressed in the format specified in the Internet Protocol (IP). In the current addressing
format, IP version 4, the IP address is a 32-bit (4 bytes) sequence divided into four groups of decimal
numbers separated by periods ("dots"). Each number can be zero to 255. These four groups of
numbers look like “” or „”. The four numbers in an IP address are used in
different ways to identify a particular network and a host on that network.
– Acronym for Internet Protocol. It is the protocol from TCP/IP that directs the way data is sent from
one computer to another on the Internet. The messages are divided into data packets, routed from the
sender network to the receiver network and there re-assembled in the right order to re-create the
original message. Because a message is divided into a number of packets, each packet can, if
necessary, be sent by a different route across the Internet. These data packets can arrive in a different
order than the order they were sent in. The Internet Protocol just delivers them. It's up to TCP protocol
(Transmission Control Protocol) to put the packets back in the right order.
Note that IP is a connectionless protocol, which means that there is no continuing connection between
the end points that are communicating. IP corresponds to the layer 3, the Networking Layer from the
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) communication model.
(Internet Service Provider) - An ISP is a business that allows individuals or businesses to connect
to the Internet. Users log on to the Internet using an account with an ISP or Internet Service Provider.
ISPs can serve IP addresses dynamically, or assign static (fixed) IP addresses to individual
- Acronym for local area network (computer network that spans a relatively small area). A group
of computers, workstations and associated devices that share a common communications line or
wireless link and are located in a relatively limited area, typically inside the same office building. The
communications link that interconnects these computers allows any device of the network to interact
with any other from the same network. The devices that compose a local network (workstations,
personal computers and peripherals) are called nodes and typically share the resources of a single
processor or server. This server has resources (applications, processing and data storage
capabilities) that are shared in common by multiple computer users. The LAN can be connected to
other local networks over any distance via phone lines, wireless links or other connections, and the
system of LANs connected in this way is called a wide-area network (WAN).
The LAN may also be connected to the Internet through a gateway. MobiLinkIP equipment is
connected in a local network through its Ethernet port.
– Acronym for
Least Cost Routing
- Refers to the method for delivering calls according to the
lowest cost carrier. Often more than one carrier can compete to deliver a call and depending on their
relative charges, the LCR Switch (which contains a database of our carriers, destinations and charges)
will connect the call via the cheapest carrier. This process means searching for the optimum traffic
routes via one or several traffic routings enabling a cost reduction. MobiLinkIP implements LCR
functions, since it analyse incoming calls and sends them to the established route or towards the GSM
module which assures the minimum costs.
TOPEX S.A. +4 021.408.39.00
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