TOPEX MobiLink
Preliminary Manual
The hardware information is important, but the adhesive tab cannot ensure the precise type and version of
firmware, because the application software can very easily be updated or upgraded by the user. After such a
firmware update, the application program running on the Topex device may no longer be the same that was
described by the label on the bottom of the case of the device. To learn about the current firmware, please use
the Web interface of the device.
The Web interface displays some of the information described above, but also important additional
information, which is NOT available through the adhesive tags.
Such information is related to the serial of the motherboard of the device, or the software version
actually running on it.
For this you must access the System> Status page. Just enter into the browser the URL for the page:
System Status
The information about serial number, current firmware and kernel can be found in the option Status –
System Information
of the menu page SYSTEM, as shown below:
Two categories of information are displayed:
System info, with temporary (current) data, such as uptime, load, Ethernet link status, name of the
network, etc;
Device info, permanent data, which is important for this chapter – serial number, firmware and
kernel versions, modem version, IMSI and IMEI.
TOPEX S.A. +4 021.408.39.00
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