TOPEX MobiLink
Preliminary Manual
The screen will display the message “Restart in Upgrading Mode, Please wait!” and below it you will se a
progress bar:
MobilinkIP will shut down and restart in Upgrading Mode. This special mode of operation frees up the memory
of the equipment for the new firmware, allowing you to perfom software upgrade easily and safely. During the
updating process, mobiLink IP is not available for routing VoIP and mobile calls.
Alos, if an error occurs during software update and the image file gets corrupted, the equipment will restart in
System mode, allowing you to
The Upgrade configuration page is simplified, containing just a few elements – MobiLinkIP is operating
in System (Kernel) mode only.
There are only two pages available, NETWORK and SYSTEM. Network shows the state of the network, you
can’t perform changes. In System, you can both see the state of the equipment, or look at the logs, as shown
below in the page “Syslog View”:
But you can also perform a firmware update!
To perform an update, go to SYSTEM>Update as shown in the next image:
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