W W W . T M G I N D U S T R I A L . C O M
P 1 2 / 3 7
T o l l F r e e : 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 6 1 - 2 8 1 9
Step 1: turn on the power and gas supply, step the pedal (Z), turntable (Y) should be
clockwise. Raise the pedal (Z), the turntable (Y) should be anti-clockwise rotation. (If the
turntable is opposite to the specified rotation direction, the position of the two lines in the
three-phase plug should exchange position.)
step 2(U), start the pressing-tire spade device (R); when the pedal is released, the
pressing-tire spade device (R) to return to the original position.
step 3pedal (VI), open the 4 clamps(G); step pedal (V2), the 4 clamps (G) will be closed.
Work head adjustment
Work head position in factory is adjusted in accordance with the size of 14” wheels,
due to the size, shape and structure are different, so you need to adjust the position
of the working head according to the actual wheel size.
The specific operation as follows: as shown in the figure 8-a. Using comer in hand
with an open-ended wrench to release the No. 1,2,3 parts, screwing the hand wheel
(E) on the left side of the column, front of the mounting head (I) should be adjusted
within the range as shown in figure 8-b. Adjusting the end of the mounting head (I) to
the working position according to the rim position (because everyone has a different
way of working, so there is no specific standard).
Fixed (I) working position, using tools tighten the screw of No.3 and No.2 in order,
ensure that when locking screw, the working position of working head (I) has not
changed, using tools to tighten the No.l bolts in figure 8-a (Note: the above bolts and
the top screw must be locked tightly, can not be loosened).
Pull the locking handle (K)
loosen manipulator (M), move up the mounting head (I)
to the range shown in the figure 8, then pull the locking handle (K)
lock manipulator
at the mounting, head (I) position should be is fixed in the position shown in
figure 8 and figure 8-b.