TM 9-1829A, April 1944
Section II: Speedometers and tachymeters with flat disk-type magnets
Speedometer types 86, 96, 509, 529, 584, 585, 592, 596, 680, 696, 709, 809.
Tachometer types 521, 522, 523, 557, 584, 598, 599, 702, 721, 722, 727, 733, 751, 752, 757, 833, 851, 852.
32. Description
This type instrument (fig. 76) operates on same principles as all other makes and types of magnetic units. However,
it can readily be identified by the flat disk-type magnet and the main frame (fig.89). For complete description,
operation. and test procedure refer to paragraphs 2 and 4.
Figure 76: Stewart-Warner speedometer with flat disk-type magnet disassembled