Tach Learning the remote starter is one of the most important steps in
the installation process. Do not tach learn vehicle while the engine is
in high idle. To ensure the best possible tach setting, ensure that the
vehicle is at low idle/ normal operating RPM. Vehicles such as Toyota
and Honda may idle much higher when the engine is warm compared
to starting the vehicle when the engine is cold. The Tach Learn
feature may be used to tach learn the vehicle again but at a normal
engine RPM.
Start the vehicle and leave it running with the ignition key
until the engine idles down.
Press and hold the brake pedal.
Press and release, then press and hold the Program Button.
The park lights will flash twice and the horn will honk twice to confirm
a successful tach learn. If you get three flashes and three horn honks,
it may be necessary to connect to a different tach source. It is also important
that the ignition output from the remote starter is connected to a wire that
does not turn off in the crank position. The remote starter will not tach learn
if ignition is connected to the wrong wire.
The System MUST be “Tach Learned” before the attempting
to start the vehicle with the remote starter.
Learning Tach
Tach Learn can be done at any time but is most effective when it
is performed while the vehicle is at normal idle RPM. The following steps
should be followed for an accurate tach learn:
“Manual Low Idle Learn”. While in “Tach Learn” mode, firmly
apply the park brake and press the brake pedal. Place the
transmission into reverse gear this will lower the Engine Idle.
Note - If the original Tach source is changed, tach must be re-learned
before attempting to start the vehicle with the remote starter.
Tach Learning