3.2.2: Main Menu
To access the Main Menu, touch the ‘hamburger’ icon in the upper left
corner of any screen. Use the Menu to navigate between Overview, Circuit
List, Global Settings and the System screen as well as to switch between
night and day color profiles and to Import and Export configurations,
isometrics, etc.
3.2.3: Admin Login
The user will be prompted to log in as an administrator when attempting
to change any setting or set-point or Admin Login may be selected from
the Menu. Admin mode is indicated by the red tint and red boarder on and
around all screens. The system will remain in Admin Mode for 5 minutes
after a valid password entry, even if actively programming circuits.
"Admin Login" value is "abc123" (it is
The "Admin Login" should be assigned to the responsible Project Manager
or Administrator with the authority over process unit(s) where this panel
is installed. This information should be secured but accessible in the
event of an emergency.