Controller operating manual
15.11.2020 – Version 1.1
TCS.2 series –
control system 2
Page: 12/162
Operating manual - translation into English © thermofin GmbH
Alarm history
With this button the user gets to a list of past error messages sorted from new to old
with the information about when they occurred and when they were eliminated.
The list of stored alarms is deleted. This function requires the entry of the manufacturer
password (see chapter 2.4 “
The entry is reset to the previous state.
Supervision / Monitor
Direct jump to the “Monitor” submenu in which the user is shown all important set and
actual values for controller optimization.
Control parameters
Direct jump to the “Control parameters” submenu. The proportional factor k
and the
reset time T
are set by the thermofin
-PI controller here.
Modbus fan status
This icon is only displayed when the fan is controlled via Modbus and leads to a
submenu where all operating, status and error messages of the fans are listed.
The Modbus fan is stopped with the STOP button. This is a prerequisite for starting the
fan parametrisation process. After exiting the parametrisation menu, the Modbus is
automatically restarted.
Write parameters to fan
All preselected parameters and addresses are loaded into the respective Modbus